Friday, April 27, 2007

Achivements VS Home


Before I begin I would like to say how much I love Achivements. It has to be one of the most
simple intregation into games to enhance replay value. Why was this not thought off before. Its a really good marketing ploy. It makes you buy or rent the crapest games so you can have a better achivement score then your best firend, brother, or just for a personal ego boast. I have rented Marvel Allience, King Kong, bought Kameo and played Deadrising a million times just to name a few. For one reason, to increase my gamer score.

I am in amazment when I see someone with 10,000 point or more. Where do you get the time!!! I am still trying to get to the 6000 mark. The Achivements Point system is a marketing showcase; reason being microsoft gives you a reason to buy or rent all of their games. Now this only holds up if you are chaseing points. If you are not and really do not care, I can see that after some serious game sessions it only rub off on you. Why not try to meet whatever interesting challenge the the developer has implamented in there game, it gives you just as much satification as completing a tough game that has made you break two controllers and your wife mad because there is a fist size hole in your wall.

Microsoft Xbox 360 Gamer tag: KMJFNIGUY

Well PS3 Home seems very interesting. Would it be able to compete with Microsoft Achivements? The answer is I have no clue. The Playstation Network needs some love in a big way. And I beleive and hope that with HOME love is right around the corner. According to here is a quick synopsis about PS3 HOME: Home™ is a real-time 3D, networked community that serves as a meeting place for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) users from around the world, where they can interact, communicate, join online games, shop, share content and even build their own personal spaces. Home™ will be available as a free download from the PLAYSTATION®Store and will launch directly from the PS3™ system's Home Menu.

My biggest question would be how would good old Sony combat the Achivement system that Microsoft has on lock? I see HOME has great potentional but will there be compelling reasons to play my PS3 game again and again, beside going online and duking it out with a friend. What type of system will Sony implament? I heard that there will be a trophy case. But I cannot see how that will compell me to replay a game. I can see that being like my Wii is Bigger than your Wii(no pun intended) My prius is faster than your insight! My lawn is green than your lawn.

Would I be able to enter someone else's HOME and check out there trophies? What if the other person is not on line how will I be able to compare games and skill level? Can we swap trophies? Can we create our on trophies?Will games that are already out NOW be compiable with HOME? How many trophies can my Pad or space hold? Would you have to pay to expand your online space to fit more trophies? They are many questions and the only people that knows is SONY. I hope to hear more soon. You can also check out the Link above to try to be part of the Beta.

Ps3 Network gamer tag: ProPaperPusher


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