With all the information being dissimatted in News Media, print and televison.....Do we really know to trust this information? The Information that is being put out there, is it being filtered by any one else that may have an hidden agenda? We need to be inform as a society, to make us not default to past failures and maybe futre ones also. So in sense we need to be inform......but is the information that we receive, the real and correct information that we as a society can benefit form? I do not know....I beleive that about 30% of the news out there has revelant information that we can benefit from what I am afriad offf is the other 70% ????? Will, this site is mostly about Video Games once in a while I may digress to social glitches that are out there but perception pulls a paper bag over our eyes..... I hope you find this excerpt from the Washington Post interesting...please feel free to comment.
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