Sunday, January 29, 2006

Does Sex Sell?

DOES SEX SELL A GAME? Would you buy any of these games because of a partially nude woman beating another up or running and gunning blowing up anything big or small. Well my answer is Hell yeah.... Why not........ As Next Gen. Becomes a reality, you are probably ask yourself "would there be any XXX games coming out?" I do not think so, but I know the boundaries would be pushed. Look at our past and present games to date? Heck look at upcoming Rumble Rose XXX for XBOX 360 DOA 4 for Xbox and 360. Do you know what game was the first console game to bare full frontal breast?......God Of War for the PS2.

Rumble Rose XXX..Have you ever seen this much skin in a Game?
Would you take your chance with our lady behind the mask? Or would you rather be sun bathing?

There is sexy Lora Croft the first woman to kick ass in Video Games...Then there is of 2005 most violent games "God Of War" which pushes the boundaries and finally there is our favorite Blondes showing that they too can play the Games.............................

Who would have thought that beating the shit out of someone can look so beautiful......

Two of the oldest chicks in video games...These chicks don't AGE>>>>> and then there is La Femme Nikkita AKA: SAMUS from the Metroid series. Now both of these games have sold to the masses and they have nothing to do with sex............What is my point........None what so ever...I would like to see Samus de-masked....And a grown up version of Princess Zelda and Princess Toadstool? Maybe someday...... Maybe even add a jingle or two to the princess...


Anonymous said...

Heck yeah sex sells look at the shit on tv, games, magazines.....For any thing to have great public appeal has to be sexully please to the human eye.

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